Power Electronic Engineer
l Self-motivated and working under periodic high pressure.良好的自我驱动及抗压工作能力
l Ensure the electronic design during the PMP or PEP project.电子设计工作结果交付
l Follow Schneider internal process and quality strategy.遵循企业质量规范
l Focus on the drive/motion product (0.18kw~500kw) for China and global market. 针对中国和全球市场的低压变频器产品开发(0.18~500千瓦)
l Transfer and understand marketing requirements.理解并转换市场产品定义
l Coordinate with other functions, such as Mech, purchasing, cost, ADM…etc. 与其他部门协同工作,例如机械,采购,成本,制成团队等
l Daily job includes usual project execution and advance technology research.日常工作包括项目执行以及技术预研
l Develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for new products. 开发具有技术创新性以及高性价比的产品
l Create Schematic, Bom, design specification…etc, guide PCB engineer. 交付原理图,技术说明,元器件清单等。并可以与PCB工程师一起协同工作。
l Deeply involved into the Verification/Validation Test to verify the design to meet all functionality, reliability, serviceability, customer, and regulatory requirements. 深度参与产品开发阶段的设计与功能测试。
l Debug and solve many technically challenging issues as part of a multidisciplinary design team.精通硬件调试与问题分析。
l Master degree of power electronic with 3+ years of power electronic products design experience. Bachelor’s degree will need 5+ years’ experience. Drive product experience will be highly preferred电力电子专业硕士文凭,至少3年以上电力电子产品设计经验。学士学位需要5年以上设计经验。有变频器产品设计经验,会被优先考虑。
l Good knowledge of power electronic topology (2-level, 3-level, PFC, SVG, AFE…etc), 2-level inverter is a mandatory. 3-level/Soft-switching/PFC will be highly preferred. 精通常用电力电子拓扑。熟练掌握2电平变频器技术,有3电平、软开关技术或者功率因数校正经验的会被优先考虑。
l Mater the power electronic semi-conductor component selection. Master the power loss calculation. Master the gate driver design. SiC and gate driver design experience will be highly preferred. 精通电力电子半导体器件选型,损耗计算以及驱动电路设计。有碳化硅器件选型及驱动设计经验的会被优先考虑。
l Master the protection strategy (short circuit, over voltage, thermal). 3+ years’ experience of drive platform design will be highly preferred. 精通电力电子产品保护策略(短路,过压,过温)。3年以上变频器硬件平台设计经验会被优先考虑。
l Sensors and signal conditioning (grounding schemes, filters, A/D…). Current/Voltage measurement methods. 传感器与信号处理设计经验,包括接地,拓扑,滤波器,数字/模拟转换。常用电流电压检测方法。
l Switched power supplies (Forward/flyback DC/DC converters, PFCs, power efficiency, reliability…). Able to design and guide the supplier to develop the transformer and inductor. 开关电源设计经验,熟知常用拓扑,器件选型,损耗与效率计算。能够指导、协同供应商进行高频变压器和电感设计。
l EMC principal knowledge, Differential/Common path, Conducted/Radiated Emission… EMC相关原理掌握,差模、共模路径分析。辐射传导与发射传导问题解决
l Analog circuit design (Amplifier, 2/3 order filter, Monte Carlo method). 掌握常用模拟电子设计,包括运放设计,2、3阶滤波器设计,蒙特卡洛分析等。
l High-speed digital design and circuits (microprocessors, DSPs, memories, CPLD), familiar with basic controller functions (analog/Digital input or output). CPLD programming and digital filter experience will be highly preferred. 数字电路设计经验,熟知主控板功能设计,包括数字、模拟输入输出接口设计,编码器接口设计。有CPLD/FPGA编程经验的会被优先考虑。熟悉常用数字滤波器原理的会被优先考虑。
l Schematic/PCB design and tools skills(Allegro)熟练使用原理图与PCB制图工具。
l Familiar with simulation tools (MATLAB, Plecs, Pspice), basic knowledge of motor control能够熟练使用一种或者多种仿真分析工具,了解电机控制原理基础。
l Familiar with related standard, IEC61800-5-1, UL61800-5-1 熟悉变频器相关标准,至少包括 IEC/UL61800-5-1
l Good oral and writing English skills, able to communicate with internal and foreign engineers through email or phone meeting.能够使用英文进行读写。有英文听说能力的会被优先考虑。
l Positive attitude and team player. Desire for challenge, new technology and self-improvement.积极乐观的态度,既能参与团队合作,也具有独立工作的能力。愿意接受新事物,新调整并具有自我激励的个人素养。
l Enthusiasm for power electronics and product development.对电力电子技术富有热情。
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